Make Any Gazebo Style Bird House You Choose

Chapter 16 in our new book will show you step-by-step how to set up your saw and cut the correct compound miter so that your joints fit perfect. There are several different set-up methods illustrated depending on the size of material you are working with. Also includes assembly tips and other great ideas.

If you are familiar with Microsoft Excel spread sheet, you will love the  Compound Miter Excel Program we have written.  With the program, you can simply type in the size birdhouse/gazebo you want and the dimensions are displayed instantly. 

The laminated Flowerpots & Birdhouse Chart (11"x14") is a great quick reference chart to have in your workshop.  

Sample Project

The example below is from our new book (Chapter 16).

To start, let's build a 4-sided bird house with an 8" roof at a 45 degree wall angle (slope) and 4" high (pyramid roof).