Product Code: | 1017 |
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The Miter Excel Program© (download only) contains the
equations for the tables and charts above. For crown
molding or trim, type in the corner angle and the crown slope
angle, press enter and you have your answer. For
flowerpots, birdhouses or gazebos, type in the number of sides
and dimensions, press enter and you have your answer. The
program was written in Excel 97 and will run on later version of
Microsoft Excel on a PC. If
you do not have Excel 97 or higher
then you can download a free program called OpenOffice to
run the excel program by clicking here..
The Compound Miter Excel Program will complement the Crown Molding & Trim book by providing instant calculations for all of the items covered in the book. The Excel Program contains all the charts and tables and can also be downloaded on a hand-held or lap top computer and taken to the job site with you.
(Note: This program is not a stand alone application. You must already have Microsoft Excel 97 or higher installed in order to run the Miter Excel Program, "Microsoft Works" spreadsheet will not run this program.)
If you do not have Excel 97 or higher, you can download a free program called OpenOffice to run the excel program at
To use the Excel Program
Input the corner angle, the crown slope angle or any information required, press enter, and the correct miter angle & blade tilt angle are displayed.
It's just that simple.
Miter4.1 Excel Program Page Index: (Click on the links below to view a non-functional picture of the excel program pages. Use your browser back button to return.)
1. Miter Table
2. Crown Molding Table
3. Compound Miter Chart
4. Miter Calculator
5. Compound Miter Calculator
6. Cathedral Ceiling Calculator -- page 1, page2
7. Fireplace Mantel (Shelves) -- page 1, page 2
8. Cornices -- page1, page2
9. Flowerpots Calculator (Birdhouse Gazebo) -- page1, page2
10. Bullnose Corners
11. Birdhouse Roof Dormers
12. Fractions to Decimals
13. Convert Roof Pitch to Degrees